Ghetto! Horrible customer service, players club and shops offer low budget items, restaurants are ok. Vega thanks to for your truly poor attitude. I'll use you for your freeplay Seneca, but I'll never put another dollar into your machines after you wiped out 40 points, most of which were earned 3 days earlier. That leaves you with a really lousy burger joint with surly staff, Tim Hortons or an overpriced cafe to spend your piss poor comps. Restaurants, in 2 years I have never seen the pizza place open and the Buffet is usually closed.
I gambled twice her monthly salary in 2 days and she talked down to me. Then the casino host gives me attitude that I'm not a big enough player!!! Wow, $8000.00 cash in 2 days is not a big player in her eyes?!?! In Vegas that play would have moved me up 2 or 3 levels at real casinos. Even better, they don't tell you that they do a tier points reset to zero every Oct 1st!!! I made 24 points Sept 25-27.4 day later they wiped out all my points. This means you need $57,000.00 cash in to move up from bottom level to 3rd of 4 levels. $380 cash in on video poker and around $280 slots gets you 1 stinking point. You can get better drink service at the video poker bars, but the machines are terrible, exact same crappy odds as Vegas airport! Drink service is hllarious, 1 or 2 waitresses make a pass ONCE AN HOUR! That's actually casino policy. The machines are winnable but I do find them much tighter than good vegas casinos.